Himalayan Ayurvedic Tea

According to Ayurveda, each human being has a primary element of nature that influences their mind, body and emotions. One's physique, daily energy patterns and mental agility, we can discover which of the three elements dominates in each of us: KAPHA-WATER / EARTH,

VATA-AIR and PITTA- FIRE Tea: Often our element becomes too overpowering and we fell increased stress, develop physical pains or even disease. To counter this we've developed three Ayurvedic Tea with Ayurvedic formula to restore our system and keep balanced.

KAPHA TEA: Kapha tea is a soothing and stimulating combination of medicinal herbs that support to revive, restoring the root of all body. Impair digestion, due to excess "earth" or Stagnation prevents us from getting the nutrition of our mental and physical strength.
that naturally help reduce felling of stress and anxiety. Due to excess of "Wind" in body. And causing felling of being ungrounded, nervous and scattered. And balance Air fostering a peaceful state of mind.

VATA TEA: This tea is a soothing combination of herbs that naturally help reduce felling of stress and anxiety. Due to excess of "Wind" in body. And causing felling of being ungrounded, nervous and scattered. And balance Air fostering a peaceful state of mind.

PITTA TEA: This tea is cool, calming combination of herbs that naturally help reduce felling of Physical and mental stress, due to excess of "fire" in the body. And helps “fire” person to keep the mind calms and cool.

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